All Events

Commonwealth hosts and participates in a variety of programs to understand current challenges facing financially vulnerable Americans, share our research and insights, and pose equitable, scalable solutions. We facilitate dialogue through our own programming, including in-person and virtual events for industry partners and professionals from the fintech, nonprofit, policy, corporate, and financial sectors. Our executive team, content experts, and partners frequently lend their voices at industry conferences, convenings, and discussions.

Commonwealth’s webinars and speaking engagements provide an opportunity to discover new data, receive expert insights, and strategize for organizational success. View our upcoming and past events below.

Past Events

Virtual Event

Consumer Engagement: Helping People Want What They Need Webinar

On November 9, 2016, Commonwealth’s Timothy Flacke and Kristen Bryant joined the National Disability Institute for a webinar to discuss Consumer Engagement: Helping People Want What They Need, a brief that explains the importance of consumer-centric design.

In-Person Event

Consumer Engagement: Helping People Want What They Need

This is a breakout session at the 2016 Assets Learning Conference (ALC).

In-Person Event

Applied Research Forum Breakout: Encouraging People to Save

This is a breakout session at the 2016 Assets Learning Conference (ALC).

In-Person Event

Human Insights Workshop: Client Journey Mapping

This is a breakout session at the 2016 Assets Learning Conference (ALC).

In-Person Event

Human Insights 201: Designing and Testing Solutions that Fit Clients’ Lives

This is a breakout session at the 2016 Assets Learning Conference (ALC).

Common Cents Conference 2023

Charvi Gandotra and Gosia Tomasewska from the national nonprofit Commonwealth will share Commonwealth’s work driving the development of solutions and interventions that build financial security and wealth for people living on low and moderate income. This discussion will  focus on the need for multiple and innovative solutions and the key role the workplace can have in enhancing worker financial security. Commonwealth’s work, which spans inclusive investing, workplace emergency savings, children’s savings accounts and a number of other areas, is focused on closing racial and gender wealth gaps and developing financial security and opportunity for all.